“Attitude is a little thing that makes a BIG difference…” — Winston Churchill
It is my belief our attitude is the lynch pin ensuring our life is held in the place it needs to be in order for us to become and remain a success. For those of you not knowing what the definition of a lynch pin is, allow me to provide a few definitions and illustrations.
Lynch Pin: Webster’s says it is a person or thing vital to an enterprise or organization; a vitally important person or essential element. (One could say a star or franchise player on a sports team is a lynch pin. One could say the same about a TV series in which there is a star that makes the show). Webster’s also says it is a pin passed through the end of an axle or shaft to keep either a wheel, bearing, or some other object in place, not allowing it to slip off. (For instance you may have a shaft or axle that is threaded on which you will slide a wheel or some other object like a pulley. You would then place a washer or bearing, then another washer, then your nut and tighten it on the shaft or axle. There will be a hole drilled through the threads through which you can place a pin that will not allow the bearing or the nut to loosen and fall off; which would allow the wheel or bearing to fall off. In other words, this pin is there to ensure this equipment remains safe and can do its job. The star of a team is there to see to it the team can fulfill its purpose). Notice, as Churchill said, this little pin makes a BIG difference in the performance of the equipment.
As already stated above, our attitude is the lynch pin to our success. As long as it is in place we will be assured of having a successful life. With the right attitude, you cannot be held down. This was proven by Nelson Mandela who spent 27 years in three different prisons. These prisons were deplorable. The only thing that can keep one going through this type of incarceration is the right attitude. Nelson Mandela was in good company as he and Joseph, the favorite son of the Old Testament leader of Israel, Jacob, both served time in prison and both became leaders of their country. Though thrown in prison at an early age, Joseph kept the right attitude and maintained his faith during his incarceration. This gained him favor with all, including those in authority over him and eventually he, like Mandela, became the leader.
Their attitudes were the lynch pin that kept them from spinning out of control and losing out to the struggle’s in life. Remember, although we are not always able to control circumstances, we can control our attitude. It is the ONE THING we can always control. A controlled attitude will influence how our body responds and performs during those tough times for, as Julie Davis-Colan said in her book, Getting the Best from Yourself & Others, “Where our thoughts and attitudes go, our bodies follow.” She further states, “In a particular study, participants who were more positive lived an average of ten years longer than other participants…your attitude might be a health risk factor to which YOU should pay attention.”
What most do not realize is their attitude is the reason things come back on and to them and they don’t seem to know why. This is because what we throw out always comes back to us in one way or form. In the New Testament, Romans 2:1, it says, “Therefore, you have no excuse, Oh man, every one of you who judges. For in passing judgment on another you condemn yourself, because you, the judge, practice the very same things.” What you judge others by you are most often judging yourself and wind up getting back what you throw out. Judging others is a sign of a poor attitude in that you are in need of judging and cutting at others in order to help build yourself up.
The right attitude is to allow others to be who they are while doing your best to be your best regardless of what others around are doing. By having a positive attitude and sending that out to the world or market place, we wind up getting back the same. So, to follow what Julie Davis-Colan wrote in the book spoken of above, you can orchestrate your attitude in the following manner:
Orchestrate YOUR…
• Thoughts…
• Words…
• Actions…
To Positively Influence…
• Beliefs…
• Commitments…
• Results…
Notice (Orchestrate YOUR…) of the script is CHOICE while (To Positively Influence…) of the script is RESPONSIBILITY. We must take on the responsibility for our beliefs, commitments, and results. The ultimate choice is ours so, are we going to be a victim or a victor? (from the book Getting the Best from YOURSELF and OTHERS)
Check your attitude. Is it the right attitude for helping you get through life and make life pay you what you want? If not, make the correction for a better life.
Best of LUCK as you
Labor Under Correct Knowledge…
Rick Cox