What Is Some Good Life Advice?

1. Listen less to what others say and think more about what you want to do. Be your own master, do not tangle with others’ evaluation, they are not responsible for your life, and you should be responsible for your own life.

2. The most important thing in life is to keep reading, keep learning, resume daily, keep fit every day, do more things with compound interest value, and make yourself better. Because this is your life force. The whole life is our learning road. This road will not stop. If it is forced to stop, we will have started the death countdown at the moment of stopping.

3. Whatever you resist will last. The more you care about something, the better chance it has to torture you. We still have to be willing to admit and accept our dark side, as well as be able to see our imperfections, and then accept them. Instead of resisting, learn to accept what you cannot change but be yourself and keep the energies of life flowing through you.

4. Believe in the law of attraction. You must have something you want. Don’t be afraid to say it out loud. You should dare to think about it. If you don’t dare to think about it, how can it be realized?

5. Please stop invalid social interaction. It’s really hard for people with different thoughts, experiences, senses to be friends, so stop associating with people with different world views. Don’t waste each other’s time, emotions and energy. You are the culmination of the FIVE people you hang out with the most.

6. The faster you move, the slower time will pass. It’s useless to say that it’s useless to act, otherwise life will not change any more. If this is your thoughts then it is the same every day. If you repeat each day 364 times each year and do so every day of your life, you will always be you what you are now. You can’t expect to do the same thing as you used to, but become a better and more productive self.

7. As a general rule, don’t fall in love when you are too young. The reason is when you are a teenager, you can and are usually desperate for the one you love. This is a lovely place for teenagers, yes lovely, but immature. They only have what is in their eyes, but they forget the reality they will face by choosing with immature and emotional thoughts. For many of you it may be too late but there are those much younger that you can and should positively influence to help them avoid such pitfalls.

8. Avoid arguing and stop blaming. Dale Carnegie said: “Any fool can criticize others, condemn others and complain about others and most of them do. But a wise person needs good quality and self-control to understand others.”

Best of LUCK as you
Labor Under Correct Knowledge…


Rick Cox